Biocell Collagen Forte + Vitamin C with the maximum concentration of 30% in vitamin c mixed collagen, 1500mg Vitamin C + 500mg Plant Collagen Extract. Only on the first injection, you could feel the difference on your skin.
- Reduce wrinkles
- Fade scar and dark spots
- Moisture skin
- Fades discolourations hyperpigmentations such as liver spots, freckle spots, age spots and skin pigmentations
- Improves skin complexion
- Replenish lost collagen and increase skin elasticity
Product Description:
This Biocell Collagen Forte + Vitamin C is originally imported from Swiss. Each box contains 10 x1500mg of vitamin c + 500mg plant collagen /5ml.
Recommended Dosage:
1 ampoules 1 or 2 injection every week for 1 or 2 months (*depends to your body metabolism). Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintainance. Suggest inject with Glutathione to get best result.
Injection Method:
This product is administered by intravenously (IV)
Not Suitable For:
Breast feeder.
Injection on women period.
Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
Patient with cardiovascular problem
Biocell胶原蛋白+维生素C与复地的30%的最高浓度的维生素C混合胶原蛋白,维生素C 1500mg胶原蛋白+植物提取物500毫克。只有在第一次注射,你能感觉到皮肤上的差异。
- 减少皱纹
- 疤痕和色斑淡出
- 皮肤水分
- 法兹discolourations hyperpigmentations如黑斑,雀斑的斑点,老年斑,皮肤色素沉着
- 改善肌肤肤色
- 补充失去的胶原蛋白,增加皮肤弹性
这Biocell胶原蛋白+维生素C是复地原装进口瑞士。每个包厢有10 500毫克维生素x1500mg的C +植物胶原蛋白/毫升。
- 1安瓿1或2个月(* 1或2个星期打一次取决于你的身体新陈代谢)。然后,可以减少注射剂量为1,每2周进行维修。建议注入谷胱甘肽得到最好的结果
- 此产品的管理工作由静脉注射(四)
- 乳腺癌接驳。
- 妇女注射时期。
- 过敏维生素(任何种类)。
- 病人心血管问题
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