Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dermeso Face Solution ( Dermeso脸部解决方案)

it is an ideal mixing ratio of biostimulants , moisturisers and cytoprotectors ; muscle relaxant (Argireline ), antioxidants and protein enhancers and protectors


It is a precise, ideal mixing ratio of hyaluronic acid, DMAE, Argireline, leuphasyl, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, cobalt, magnesium and lithium.

What it does?

It provides basic, simple nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and substances that interact with cellular and tissular metabolic and energetic processes. As a result of this, it improves the cascades of metabolic activity brought about with less deterioration of the proteins of which they are made up and greater efficiency; it improves the efficiency of tissular support proteins. It improves the interaction of the proteins and the cells with water and also favours blood and lymphatic microcirculation and the mobility of the interstitial liquid.

What is it for?

Excellent for facial treatments in people interested in preventing the changes of tone caused by ageing and expression and in people interested in a palliative treatment for the cutaneous dehydration and malnutrition involved in the ageing process.

Results expected on the aesthetic impact

recovery of the freshness of the skin , firming the skin , improving the plumpness , better moisturising , better resistance to inclement weather , decrease in the depth of the furrows and of the wrinkles giving a youthful facial expression.


- Topical application with simple rubbing

- Topically applied during massage

- Transdermotherapy by electroporation

- Transdermotherapy by pressure

- Transdermal therapy by injection in intradermal and subdermal spaces

Hyaluronic acid is a proteoglycan that is found in abundance in body fluids and in the intercellular cement of mammals. Its close affinity to water means that its consolidating effect on the tissues and its viscosity effect on the body fluids gives them the ideal consistency, typical of the freshness of youth, maintaining the water inside the tissue to which it is applied, giving it better moisturising and firmness.

DMAE is a precursor of acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) as it participates in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine,an important neurotransmitter in our skin, as a whole host of skin cells (keratinocytes, fibroblasts, sudoriparous cells, endothelial cells, etc.) respond to it. In the first place, it is a molecule that improves resistance to stress in all the cellular membranes and their selective permeability, as it stimulates the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine in the self-regeneration process and permanent repair of the cellular membranes. It also stimulates the production of serotonin. The molecule itself protects free anti-radical enzymes. In second place, by favouring the production of acetylcholine, as it is its precursor, it produces a tautening effect by means of cholinergic stimulation of the myofibroblast membrane receptors. Apart from this, the cholinergic stimulation creates a subclinical vasodilation effect, increasing the cutaneous perfusion and, as a result of this, the cellular nutrition and moisturising. Humidifying effect of the skin: Due to the paracrine stimulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the sudoriparous glands.

Argireline (INCI: acetyl hexapeptide-3) is a hexapeptide, in other words, it is a chain of six amino acids linked in a sympathetic way. Its anti-wrinkle efficacy is the result of a double action: on the one hand, it provokes muscular relaxation by means of a mechanism similar to that of botulinum toxin, and on the other hand, it causes the relaxation of the fibroblasts and a lifting effect. The muscular relaxation is produced by inhibition of the SNARE complex however, unlike botulinum toxin, Argireline does not irreversibly destroy the SNAP-25 protein of the complex, but modifies its conformation and competes with it for a place in the SNARE complex (fig. 4). The hexapeptide is an analogue of the N-terminal extreme of the SNAP-25 protein and therefore it does not completely destroy the SNARE complex, but slightly destabilises it. Therefore, the synaptic vesicles cannot anchor themselves and release acetylcholine in an efficient way, which enables some neurotransmission in balance with muscular relaxation6. As a result, the muscular contraction is diffused, which prevents the forming of wrinkles. This competitive mechanism has been clearly demonstrated in several scientific publications7,8. To date, Argireline is the only active cosmetic that has been shown to act on the same centre as botulinum toxin. As already mentioned, it is capable of relaxing the fibroblasts, which contract (relax) the collagen and elastin matrix, giving the skin a smoother appearance. The exact mechanism of this process is unknown, although it is suspected that it involves the capture of Ca2+ ions. It is an anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle hexapeptide, it represents a discovery based on a scientific development, which goes from rationaldesign to production under standards of correct manufacturing.

Leuphasyl is a pentapeptide which acts on the neuromuscular bond favouring a relaxing effect and a reduction of expression lines. This pentapeptide —Leuphasyl®— acts by closing the calcium channel, preventing the release ofacetylcholine. It also has a similar effect to that of enkephalins reducing neuronal excitability. It is compatible with other peptides and in vitro experiments demonstrate synergic action with Argireline®. In vivo, the effect is additive and is more powerful than the single therapy.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature; it plays a very important biological function on the immune cascades, of coagulation and fibrinolysis; in addition to having a very broad cytoprotection effect, with special impact on the vascular endothelium, particularly on capillary layers.

A-tocopherol or vitamin E is a liposoluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant at a synthesis level of the heme pigment, which is an essential part of the haemoglobin of the red blood cells. Vitamin E is found in many food products, principally of plant origin, above all in green leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, seeds, including soya, wheat germ and brewer’s yeast; it can also be found in food products of animal origin, such as egg yolk. It is normally considered to be a source of vitamin from plant oils. Some diets that use breakfast cereals provide a large amount of vitamin E to the body. All the actions of the tocopherols seem to be determined by their character as an antioxidant agent, and in particular prevent the reactions of lipid peroxidation (rancidity). The rancidity of unsaturated lipids consists of a complex series of reactions. In the end, the oxygenated radicals give rise to a series of compounds (aldehydes, acids and ketones) which are responsible for the unpleasant characteristics of rancid products, such as their bad smell. In addition, they induce alterations that seriously compromise the function of other structures (membrane proteins, for example). Tocopherols act by breaking the chain of reactions, in such a way that they offer easily subtractable hydrogen to the oxygenated radicals, thus impeding them from being subtracted from the lipids.

Zinc1 is an essential chemical element with atomic number 30 represented by the symbol Zn, located in group 12 of the periodic table of the elements. Zinc is an essential metal for human beings and some animals. The human body contains around 40 mg of zinc per kg and many enzymes function with its combination: it intervenes in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids, it stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, it collaborates in the correct functioning of the immune system, it is necessary for wounds to scar, it intervenes in the perceptions of taste and smell and in the synthesis of DNA. The metal is found in insulin, zinc finger proteins and diverse enzymes such as superoxide dismutases. Zinc is found in diverse food products such as oysters, red meat, free range poultry, some fish and seafood, broad beans and walnuts. The daily recommended ingestion of zinc is around 20 mg for adults, and less for babies, children and adolescents (due to their lower body weight) and somewhat higher for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A shortage of zinc affects the immune system, creates a delay in growth and can produce hair loss, diarrhoea, impotence, eye and skin lesions, loss of appetite, loss of weight, delay in wounds scarring and anomalies in the sense of smell. Causes that can lead to a shortage of zinc are insufficient ingestion and poor absorption of the mineral —such is the case of alcoholism which favours its elimination in the urine or vegetarian diets in which the absorption of zinc is 50% less than in people who eat meat— or due to excessive elimination due to digestive disorders. An excess of zinc has been associated to low levels of copper, alterations in the function of iron and a decrease in the immunological function and the levels of good cholesterol.

Cobalt is a chemical element with atomic number 27 represented by the symbol Co, located in group 9 of the periodic table of the elements. Cobalt is essential in all animals, including humans. It forms part of cobalamin (Vitamin B12). A shortage of cobalt can lead to anaemia. Despite this, anaemia as a secondary effect to a shortage of cobalt is very rare, as only trace doses of the element need to be consumed to maintain a correct homeostatic. Cobalt is also an element that is found in several food products, making it difficult to have a shortage due to low ingestion. Proteins based on cobalamin use the corrin ring to bind to the cobalt. The coenzyme B12 provides the C-Co link, which participates in the reactions.

Magnesium is the chemical element represented by the symbol Mg and atomic number 12. Its atomic mass is 24.305u. It is the seventh most abundant element and makes up around 2% of the Earth’s crust and is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater. The magnesium ion is essential for all living cells. Pure metal is not found in nature. Once produced from magnesium salts, this alkaline-earth metal is used as an alloy element. Magnesium is important for life, both animal and vegetable. Chlorophyll (which is involved in photosynthesis) is a complex substance of porphyrin-magnesium. Magnesium is an essential chemical element for human beings. Most magnesium is found in bones and its ions play important roles in the activity of many coenzymes and reactions that depend on TPA. It also serves a structural role, since the Mg2 + ion has a stabilising role in the structure of DNA and RNA chains. It is involved in the formation of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, repolarisation of the neuron, and muscle relaxation (avery important action in the heart muscle).1 Magnesium acts as an energizer and soothes the body. Magnesium loss is due to various causes, especially when the individual is in circumstances of physical or mental stress. The magnesium found in the cell is released into the bloodstream, where it is then excreted into urine and/or faeces. The greater stress, the greater the loss of magnesium in the body.2 Depending on weight and height, the recommended daily allowance is 300-350 mg, an amount that can be easily obtained as it is found in most foods, with seeds being the richest in magnesium, as well as cocoa,1 almonds, soy flour, peanuts, beans, legumes, hazelnuts, walnuts and green leafy vegetables.

Lithium (Greek:® λιθίον, small stone )?1 is a chemical element represented by the symbol Li and the atomic number 3. In the periodic table, it is in group 1, among the alkaline elements. In its pure form, it is a soft metal, with a silvery white colour, which oxidises rapidly in air or water. It is the lightest solid element and is particularly used in heat- conductive alloys, in electric batteries and its salts are used in treating certain kinds of depression. Its biological function is not fully known, but it has been found to increase cellular permeability and to act on neurotransmitters, favouring mood stability.

Presentation: box of 10ml x10 vials = 100ml











- 用简单的摩擦局部应用

- 局部应用在按摩

- Transdermotherapy由电

- 通过压力Transdermotherapy

- 注射在皮内和皮下空间的透皮治疗


DMAE是乙酰胆碱(神经递质)的先驱,因为它参与的胆碱转换成乙酰胆碱的重要神经递质,在我们的皮肤,作为一个整体的皮肤细胞(角质形成细胞,成纤维细胞,sudoriparous细胞,内皮细胞等)的主机,响应它。首先,它是一个分子,提高抵抗所有的细胞膜和他们的选择透过性的压力,因为它刺激在自我再生过程和永久修复细胞膜的磷脂的合成。这也刺激了生产的5 - 羟色胺。分子本身的保护与抗自由基的酶。排在第二位,有利于生产的乙酰胆碱,因为它是其前身,它由胆碱能刺激肌纤维母细胞的细胞膜受体产生一个tautening效果。除此之外,胆碱能刺激创建亚临床血管舒张作用,增加皮肤灌注,作为一个这样做的结果,细胞的营养和保湿。加湿皮肤的影响:由于旁分泌的sudoriparous腺体的烟碱乙酰胆碱受体刺激。

Argireline(INCI:乙酰六肽- 3)是一个六肽,换句话说,它是一种同情的方式联系在一起的6个氨基酸链。其抗皱的功效,是一个​​双重作用的结果:一方面,它挑起通过类似的机制A型肉毒毒素,另一方面意味着肌肉放松,它会导致成纤维细胞的放松和起重效果。肌肉松弛是产生抑制SNARE复合物,但是,与A型肉毒毒素,Argireline不彻底地分解SNAP - 25的复杂的蛋白质,但改变其构象,并与它争夺在SNARE复合物的地方(图4 )。该六肽的SNAP - 25的蛋白的N -末端的极端,因此它并没有彻底摧毁SNARE复合模拟,但稍destabilises。因此,突触小泡不能锚和释放乙酰胆碱的一种有效的方式,使一些神经递质平衡,肌肉relaxation6。因此,肌肉收缩扩散,从而防止皱纹的形成。这种竞争机制已清楚地表明在几个科学publications7,8。迄今为止,Argireline是唯一的活动已被证明作用于同一中心A型肉毒毒素的化妆品。正如已经提到的,它是放宽成纤维细胞,合同(放松),胶原蛋白和弹性矩阵的能力,使皮肤更平滑的外观。这个过程的确切机制不明,虽然这是怀疑,它涉及的Ca2 +离子捕获。它是一种抗衰老和抗皱六肽,它代表着上一个科学的发展,从rationaldesign生产,在正确的制造标准为基础的发现。

Leuphasyl是一个五肽对神经肌肉接头有利于放松的效果,减少表情纹的债券的行为。这五肽Leuphasyl ® - 行为的钙离子通道关闭,防止释放ofacetylcholine。它也有一个类似的效果,减少神经元的兴奋性脑啡肽。这是兼容,并与其他肽在体外实验表明Argireline ®协同行动。在体内,效果是​​添加剂,是比单一疗法更强大。




钴是一种化学元素,原子序数27位于9组的周期表的元素符号合作,代表。钴是在所有动物,包括人类的基本。它形式的钴胺素(维生素B12)的一部分。一个钴不足,可导致贫血。尽管这样,作为一个次要的作用,以钴短缺贫血是非常罕见的,因为只有微量元素的剂量需要消耗,保持正确的自我平衡。钴还发现在一些食品,使其难以有短缺,由于低摄入的元素。对钴胺素的蛋白质使用的科林环绑定到钴。辅酶B12提供的C - CO链接,在参与的反应。

镁的化学元素符号Mg和原子序数12表示。其原子质量是24.305u。这是第七个最丰富的元素,和地球的地壳约2%,是第三个最丰富的元素溶解在海水中。镁离子是所有活细胞所必需的。纯金属是不存在于自然界。碱土金属一旦镁盐生产,这是作为合金元素使用。镁是重要的生命,动物和植物。叶绿素(在光合作用中所涉及的)是一个复杂的物质卟啉镁。镁是人类必需的化学元素。大多数镁是骨骼中发现,其离子在许多辅酶和反应依赖于TPA的活动发挥重要作用。它同时也是一个结构性的作用,自MG2 +离子在DNA和RNA链的结构有一个稳定的作用。它是参与神经递质和神经调质,神经元极化,肌肉松弛(艾利的心脏肌肉中的重要作用)0.1镁行为劲和舒缓身体的形成。镁的损失是由于各种原因引起的,尤其是当个体在身体或精神上的压力的情况下。在细胞中发现的镁被释放到血液中,在那里,然后将尿液和/或粪便排出体外。更大的压力,更大的损失,根据体重和身高的body.2镁推荐的每日津贴是300-350毫克,可以很容易地获得,因为它是在大多数食品中发现的金额,种子被最丰富的镁,以及可可,杏仁,大豆粉,花生,豆类,豆类,榛子,核桃和绿叶蔬菜。


演示:为10ml X10盒=百毫升

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