Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dermeso Celu Solution

It is the ideal mixture of restructuring ( Silicon , Gotu kola and trace elements ) , vasoactive ( sweet clover and caffeine ) , cytoprotective ( rutin , gotu kola and trace elements ) and essential lipolytic ( L-Carnitine ) substaces , facilitator of lipolysis (caffeine ) and optimiser of metabolic processes and of the function and resistance of protein ( organic silicon and trace elements )

What it does ?

It stimulates the mobilisation and destruction of localised fatty nodules , decreases the oedema and increases the resorption of lipids released in the interstice , fluidising the extracellular matrix , stabilising its pH.

What it is for ?

For treating cellulite in all its forms .

Results expected on the aesthetic impact ?

It improves the appearance of the skin sustained by a healthy subcutaneous tissue and without cellulite because the contents of the lipids and the water in the subcutaneous tissue have been homogenised and the adipocytes have decreased in number and in size within the mesh of hypodermic fibres which , after the treatment , will be more solid and functional .


- Topical application with simple rubbing

- Topically applied during massage

- Transdermotherapy by electroporation

- Transdermotherapy by pressure

- Transdermal therapy by injection in intradermal and subdermal spaces.

理想重组混合物(硅,雷公根和微量元素血管活性物质三叶草和咖啡因)细胞保护芦丁积雪草和微量元素和必要的脂肪分解L -肉碱substaces咖啡因脂肪分解的促进者(与优化有机硅和微量元素代谢过程和蛋白质的功能和抵抗








- 用简单的摩擦局部应用

- 局部应用按摩

- Transdermotherapy

- 通过压力Transdermotherapy

- 注射皮内皮下空间透皮治疗

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