Is a fact that fats congregate in areas of our body increases through time. Glucose, fats and carbohydrates from the food we eat if in excess will be transported and converts into “fatty acids” or fats and store in parts of our body, thus creating lumpy areas especially can be seen in the lower arms, thighs, buttocks, tummy, even our face and increases cellulites.
The challenge of burning these fat cells and keeping them away will always be a tedious affair and to do that, we need to understand how our body works. Energy is release through the consumption of food in our body, converted from the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Excess fats and carbohydrates that are not been metabolize is store throughout storage areas in our body and this is when excess weight and fats is derived.
Keep fats away with ” L-Carnitine and B5 “
Nutrients like L-Carnitine and Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) are part of our body’s natural fat burning mechanism.
L-Carnitine, is an amino acid synthesized from essential amino acids, tyrosine and methionine in the kidney and livers. It acts as a transport for “long chain fatty acids” such as glucose, fats carbohydrates and proteins, especially from the inter membrane space of the body storage areas accumulated from the food we eat and converts it into energy.
Dexpanthenol is another essential nutrients requirement for complete food metabolism, thus the production of energy.
It is in the mitochondria where fats and carbohydrates is being converted into energy via a process called “beta-oxidation” with the help of L-Carnitine which is also responsible for improving oxygen utilization and energy production of the heart muscle. It also significantly reduces cellulite concentration in parts of our body, presenting a leaner, trimmer and svelte body.
Besides, acting as a “fat transporter” it needs as well for the removal of products wastes or toxins produced from the mitochondria during energy production, enables them to be eliminated from the body.
L-Carnitine is one of the best nutrients there is for promoting weight loss and concomitantly with Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) advocates that anyone seeking to loss weight to includes into their daily diet program.
There for, taken together, both L-Carnitine and Dexpanthenol works hand-in-hand for efficient metabolism of food we eat.
L-Carnitine 1g/5ml solution (6 ampoules)
Dexpanthenol 500mg/2ml solution (6 ampoules)
Excipients – panfolactone, parahydroxybenzoate, sodium benzoate acid.
L-Carnitine deficiency, alopecia, nutritional disorder of the nails, dermatological diseases includes burns and head – skin disease, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, cellulite on the thighs.
L-Carnitine – None known
Dexpanthenol – Hypersensitivity to Vitamin B5
Adverse Reactions
L-Carnitine – Less frequent reporting of mild gastritis, nausea.
Dexpanthenol – Rare reported case of rash.
L-Carnitine – No known interaction with other drugs.
Dexpanthenol – No known interaction with other drugs.
Dosage and Administrationdults:
Merabolism of fats, carbohydrates and cellulites – Combination of one ampoules each L-Carnitine 1000gm and Dexpanthenol 500mg via intramuscular or intravenous 2 times per week.
Box combination of 6 ampoules (2ml) 500mg Dexpanthenol and 6 ampoules (5ml) 1000 mg L-Carnitine.
In cool dry place and protect from light.
Italy, Rome
脂肪与保持距离的“L -肉碱和B5”
如L -肉碱和Dexpanthenol(维生素B5)营养物,是我们身体的天然脂肪燃烧机制的一部分。
L -肉碱,是一种氨基酸,必需氨基酸,酪氨酸和蛋氨酸的肾脏和肝脏合成。这是为“长链脂肪酸如葡萄糖”运输行为,脂肪碳水化合物和蛋白质,尤其是从身体储存,以及从我们所吃的食物除膜领域积累了空间,并将其转换成能源。
正是在那里脂肪和碳水化合物被转化成能量通过一个叫做“β-氧化的L -肉碱的帮助,也为提高能源利用率和氧气的心脏肌肉负责生产”过程中线粒体。它还大大降低了我们的身体部位的脂肪含量,提出一个更精简,精干和苗条的身体。
L -肉碱是最好的营养物质之一有促进减肥,同时要求与Dexpanthenol(维生素B5)的主张,任何寻求失重进入日常饮食节目包括。
那里,加在一起,既L -肉碱和Dexpanthenol工程,为粮食有效代谢手在手,我们吃。
- L -肉碱1g/5ml解决方案(6安瓿)
- Dexpanthenol 500mg/2ml解决方案(6安瓿)
- 辅料 - panfolactone,parahydroxybenzoate,苯甲酸钠含量。
- L -肉碱缺乏症,脱发,指甲的营养障碍,皮肤疾病,包括烧伤和头部 - 皮肤疾病的大腿,脂肪和碳水化合物,脂肪代谢的影响。
- L -肉碱 - 无已知
- Dexpanthenol - 维他命B5过敏症
- L -肉碱 - 减轻度胃炎,恶心经常提出报告。
- Dexpanthenol - 稀土报告的皮疹情况。
- L -肉碱 - 不与其他药物已知的相互作用。
- Dexpanthenol - 不与其他药物已知的相互作用。
- 脂肪Merabolism,碳水化合物和蜂窝组织炎 - 组合1安瓿每个L -肉碱1000克和500毫克Dexpanthenol通过肌肉注射或静脉注射,每周2次。
- 6盒组合安瓿(2毫升)500毫克Dexpanthenol和6安瓿(5毫升)1000毫克L -肉碱。
- 在阴凉干燥处,避光保护。
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