Tuesday, December 27, 2011

NC24 Vitamin C + Collagen NC24维生素C+胶原


    Aims in producing Collagen, which is connective tissue of our skin, bone, ligament, tendons, joints and organ support.
    Surpasses formation of ‘Melanin’ contributing to dark spot after long exposure to UVA/UVB.
    Reduces our facial skin lines or wrinkles. This is because it aims in producing the collagen, which is important to make our skin firm and provides elasticity.
    Reduces the appearance of pimples/ acne/ blemishes and minimized pores. It improves the skin smoother texture.
    Prevent scurvy, which is a kind of Vitamin C – deficiency.
    Increases body immune system. At a higher dose is believed to have the property of antihistamine

Injection Method:
This product is administered by intravenously (IV). One or two ampoules/injection every week for 1 or 2 months (*depends to your body metabolism). Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintainance. Suggest inject with Glutathione to get best result.

Not Suitable For:
* Breast feeder.
* Injection on women period.
* Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
* Patient with cardiovascular problem

1.25g vitamin c + 0.35gram collagen extract /5ml x 10 ampoules.

    超过黑色素经过长期暴露于UVA / UVB的暗斑形成
    预防坏血病这是一个缺乏维生素C -



1.25克维生素C +0.35克胶原蛋白提取/5毫升× 10安瓿

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