Saturday, June 12, 2010

Product-Placentex Integro/Pomata意大利Integro羊胎素

Italy Integro Placenta
Placenta Integro Italy is Italy's most famous high-end products, by the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's love, for the reputation of David, the 2004 Athens Summer Olympic Games after the rich that he had purchased a large number of sub-Placenta give Integro Italian athletes. Placenta Integro from the placenta of pregnant sheep, extracted a chemical or biological active substance is a peptide material of living cells, this material can slow down human aging, immune regulation, anti-fatigue, and inhibit tumor. Long-term use is an effective way to improve the people's passive immunity to improve the quality of sleep, constipation improve and enhance sexual function, improve skin elasticity, thickness and gloss.
1, sub-health groups to help quickly added strength
The fast-paced modern life fatigue was caused by fatigue, energy failing, a long time to appear on the air damage sperm loss, malnutrition, the body too much accumulation of metabolites of the sub-healthy state. Placenta Integro can enhance the vitality of human cells against free radicals in the body of the violations, speed up the metabolism of the body's excretion of waste. At the same time to add a variety of essential nutrients and energy, so that the body quickly to restore vitality to improve the sub-healthy state.
2, to improve digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal function
Placenta Integro rich in nutrients, the digestive system to enhance the vitality of cells, organs, improving digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal function. In addition, Integro Placenta of liver cells have to repair and strengthen the role in order to strengthen a wide range of liver enzymes, amino acids, nutrients such as protein synthesis, for a variety of the human body to promote the efficient use of nutrients.
3, removal of free radicals in the body to regulate the endocrine, beauty beauty
Integro Placenta contains a variety of anti-beauty factor, remove free radicals in the body to regulate the endocrine, blood circulation, strengthen the vitality of cells. So that the body remain in a positive state of balance and enhance the function of organs, skin aging delay, so rosy and fair complexion.
4, to strengthen health and improve immunity.
Natural not to add any artificial ingredients Integro Placenta, rich in immunoglobulins and other antibodies, interleukin value-added, T cells, monocytes enhanced macrophage function, so that the resulting anti-human infection, improve cell metabolism Features to speed up post-natal wound healing after restoration of with the physical, fit and healthy at the same time on a variety of diseases, the prevention of a very good effect.
5, to enhance memory and improve sleep.
Placenta Integro brain contains elements that provide a variety of brain activities necessary nutrients. It will not only strengthen the function of brain cells, can activate the degradation of the aging brain cells, so for insomnia, memory can play better. In addition, from the young and began to pay attention to the health of the brain, but also the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's.
6, the comprehensive improvement of female menopause symptoms
Menopause syndrome mainly by the female hormone secretion caused by the lack of, in a sense is also a kind of endocrine disorders. Modern treatment in vitro complement to the main hormone-based, but generally agreed that after 60 years of age should not be used. Placenta Integro menopausal women can promote the secretion of hormones to alleviate symptoms of menopause. If in a few years ago to start taking menopause, or even delayed the arrival of menopause.
7, cardiovascular protection, the prevention of many diseases
Cardiovascular disease is a threat to the health of the elderly in the primary enemy of. With the aging of the people because that's significantly lower metabolic function, there are always high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, stroke disease, and so on. Integro can be integrated Placenta conditioning, improving microcirculation, so that blood flow and lower blood viscosity and liver, the heart muscle LPO content, improve the activity of SOD, effectively blocking free radicals on the cardiovascular damage. At the same time, the high-density lipoprotein, can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, in order to better cardiovascular protection.
Specifications: 3ml × 10
Production: Italy











7、保护心血管 ,预防多种疾病




-combined intake with vitamin C greatly enhances immunity, reduces tiredness, more youthful skin, fight against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and chronic illness

Recommended dosage:-
1 ampoule weekly. For best result,combine with vitamin C injection (such as Bayer Laroscorbine)

I.V. / I.M.

Brand name:-

10 x 600mg glutathione
10 x 4ml distilled aqua for mixing


Product - Vitacicol P-3000 Glutathione美国维泰可(vitacicol)美白注射液

  • whitens the skin colour
  • reduce pigmentation of the skin such as liver spots, freckles, wrinkles, age spots due to long exposure to UVA / UVB or during pregnancy
  • maintains and builds collagen, therefore it required for maintainance of tooth structures, bones matrix and capillaries
  • antioxidant and reduce reaction, tyrosine metabolism, conversion of folic acid to folinic resistance to infections and cellular respiration
Recommended dosage:-
  • 1 to 2 ampoules every week. For best result, combine with Tationil Glutathione 600mg Roche
  • I.V. / I.M.
Brand name:-
  • VT
  • Solution containing in each ml of infection 1000mg ascorbic acid BP, 0.01ml benzyl alcohol, 45mg sodium bicarbonate, 8.5mg sodium chloride, 0.2mg thiourea in water for infections
  • Vitacicol Forte Whitening: 1gm x 5ml x 30ampoules
  • Vitacicol P-3000 Glutathione: 5ampoules ascorbic acid x 5ampoules glutathione
  • USA


美国vitacicol 美白注射液是新型美白针剂产品,产品独有的功效已受全美各阶层人士喜爱和推崇,并引发起媒体杂志大幅报道,被誉为“肌肤美白的守护天使”。 vitacicol 美白注射液内含的内皮素活性肽能促进黑色素细胞有丝分裂,提高抵抗产生黑色素的自由基,现代医学研究表明,皮肤产生色斑和衰老变化的原因,在于细胞生理过 程中产生的过氧自由基的作用,以及酪氨酸酶,活性的增强,血氧疏基和SOD能抑制酪氨酸酶活性,清除自由基抑制黑色素细胞的形成。经数万例顾客验 证,vitacicol 美白注射液不但美白祛斑且可迅速清除黑色素和黄色素,可以全身美白,效果显著。














Product - Laroscorbine Platinium法国VC+Collagen美白疗程

  • basic function of vitamin c
  • as replenishment where collagen reduces when aged
  • reduce fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and minor scars
  • maintains the production of cartilage and joints
  • improves elasticity of skin, makes more supple and moisture
Recommended dosage:-
  • 1 ampoule weekly for the first box and 1 ampoule every 2 weeks for the second box
  • Intravenous (I.V.)
Brand name:-
  • Roche
  • Contains 10 ampoules x 1gm x / 5ml vitamin c and 0.35mg collagen
  • France


法国Roche大药厂经典作品,风行欧美50年,堪称世纪美容抗衰经典。全面补充Vitamin C(维C)和Collagen(骨胶原),对祛除皱纹、增加肌肤弹性,收缩毛孔、淡化色素有极好的功效,令全身肌肤达到净白、幼嫩、光滑、紧致的完美境界。



作用原理:皮肤表皮下的真皮中含有很多的骨胶原,年轻的肌肤有赖于骨胶原这种弹性组织的承托。随着年龄的增长,肌肤的骨胶原会逐渐减少流失,因而导 致出现肌肤老化松弛,皱纹,毛孔扩张,失去弹性光泽等现象。只要补充足够的骨胶原就可以令肌肤还原青春,回复弹性光滑。Vc+collagen奇妙结合, 针对消除皱纹及填补皮下虚位,疗效极其显著,它可以令肌肤携带30倍的水份,迅速收细毛孔,淡化色素,达到祛皱美白的效果。















规 格:10支× 5ml
生 产:法国

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Product - 日本NC24美白注射液

Japan NC24 Whitening injection is Japan's most well-known whitening products eradicates spots, because of its significant effect by the Japanese arts community loved and respected actress, known as "white の angel", Ayumi Hamasaki, Teng original Jixiang , Sawajiri Eri Hong, Morning Musume and other Japanese popular stars are NC24 fans, every one to two years a course of injections is necessary to keep the skin young white, in front of the camera seems to make their own beautiful youthful glow and moving. Compared with ordinary beauty products, NC24 expensive, but does not affect those who love beauty, the annual sales charts in Japan, NC24 highest whitening first.
Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, Glutatione, Crystalize
Seven advantages of
⊙ white body, no longer only a partial idea of ​​improving ⊙ first injection whitening, whitening skin from the inside out
⊙ white, eradicates spots, skin three-pronged approach, a significant overall effect ⊙ hundreds of thousands of user experience, efficiency 100%
Japan and South Korea Hong Kong and Taiwan actress ⊙ white preferred, Japan ranked first in annual sales charts
⊙ Japanese Health Ministry certification, safe and side effects ⊙ Tokyo Imperial hospital clinical validation, quality assurance

Main functions: whitening beauty care, free radicals, enhance oxygen mercapto, repair damaged skin, for skin dull, yellowish, melasma, pregnancy spots, sunburn, dark spots and other best.
Appropriate symptoms: skin dull, yellowish, rough and melasma, pregnancy spots, sunburn, dark spots.
Unique triple whitening techniques, body whitening underlying causes
1, the original super-long stable complex whitening factor, in-depth intracellular formation of strong blocking melanin play the whole body whitening effect.
2, Natural Lipstick factor, free radicals, fight off melanoma and rapid improvements in skin color dull, rough, dull and pores. Tighten the skin, enhance skin elasticity, anti-aging.
3, the reversal factor, anti-factor to make your day a young 3 hours! Whitening, beauty, lock, moisturizing, detoxifying, shrink pores, pigmentation eliminate pigmentation, block UV light to improve skin texture and enhance skin elasticity, regulate the female endocrine system.
Whitening principle
NC24 to inhibit oxidation, rapid decomposition of human skin melanoma, yellow, repair damaged cells, activation of complement factor so that the body whitening whitening factor of cell renewal, improving hypoxic dark Asia, rough skin and a series of youth fade away phenomenon, the whole body from the inside to the outside rosy skin, restore elasticity, while the acne has been formed, with a dilute spots, improve facial spots. Which is characterized by rapidly reversing the pathological features of premature aging of cells, inhibit oxidation, prevents melanin production, promote metabolism, effectively weakened and eliminate the stain, adjust the skin from the inside out, so as to achieve the body whitening effect.
Seven major role
◆ melanin, whitening skin ◆ eliminate the stain, sunburn, age spots ◆ pores, moisturize
◆ enhance skin elasticity, dark circles in addition to acne ◆ prevention, clear bags ◆ repair uneven skin tone, remove yellow gas
◆ Brightening, Firming, reverse the aging
1, anti-aging and skin whitening. Correction due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet light skin, irregular lifestyle, staying up late and long-term mental cause of the skin dark, old, black and other skin aging.
2, for physical function decline, over-oxidation to form the body organs, the epidermis peroxidation caused by pigment deposition like skin aging, dull.
3, the formation of too much iron for wrong skin pigmentation, dull.
4, the body due to deteriorating health aging and skin, mucosal injury, collagen sclerosis, arteriosclerosis.
5, the age of 18 years of age, no serious acute and chronic diseases, men and women.
- Intravenous (IV), an intravenous drip or normal injection, intravenous drip takes 15 to 45 minutes
- 3 days injection of 1, each dose of a
- 3 to 4 times you can see the effect, but must be based on individual physical
- 1 box after the injection of 1 per month to maintain two
Use of taboo
1, pregnant women or women using breast-feeding means 2, menstrual period. 3 .4 of vitamins sensitive people, people with vascular disease.
Situation that may arise
If more than 20g daily injections of vitamin C, can cause digestive problems, such as vent belly (diarrhea), stomach pain, and so on.
Treatment effect
NC24 Whitening Injection functional recovery type body whitening products, suitable for all persons 18-60 years of beauty. Injection whitening plus eradicates spots, from the inside to the outside of the real white.
Week 1: You can clearly feel the NC24 to repair and nourish skin, increase skin moisture, not greasy, acne reduction; white skin improve on average 3-5 degrees, a little white than before, when the obvious feeling silky touch .
Week 2: After 2 weeks of continued repair and additions, dark spots, acne, wrinkles significantly fades, the ability to enhance skin moisturizing, skin brightening an average of 5-10 degrees degrees, delicate and tender, the skin than with the former significant thinning of the white.
Week 3: After three weeks of use, the skin delicate, compact, wrinkles, eye liner, dark spots, acne, acne disappeared, the skin resistance to external stimuli and self-recovery capability significantly strengthened, white skin, an average of 6 degrees -18 degrees. Red, white, shiny, showing a young healthy body skin whitening state.
Week 4: the effect of pre-cured and will be integrated to enhance, fair-skinned young, delicate and moving, elastic and shiny, restored to the beauty of health status at age 16.
Note: The above course of treatment effect obtained according to normal skin after use, frequency of use of specific effects depending on the user, the skin conditions.
After 4 weeks, the skin condition
● persistent skin whitening, skin smooth and moist smooth refreshing ●, ● compact fine pores is no longer oily skin, acne acne goodbye
● skin soft and shiny, even-toned skin and healthy body natural ● transparent ruddy, full flexibility
● skin against external stimulation significantly enhanced the ability

  • vitamin c 1.25g ~ basic functions of vitamin c
  • glutathione
  • master antioxidant
  • increase body immune system
  • detoxifier
  • higher dose-skin whitening
Recommended dosage:-
  • 1 ampoule weekly. For the second box, the dosage can be reduced to 1 ampoule every 2 weeks
  • I.V. / I.M
  • 5 ampoules of vitamin c
  • 5 ampoules of glutathione
  • Japan

日本NC24美白注射液是日本最知名的美白袪斑产品,因其显著的功效受到日本艺能界女星的的喜爱和推崇,被誉为“美白の天使”,滨崎步、滕原纪香、泽尻绘 里香、早安少女组等日本当红巨星都是NC24的拥趸,每隔一到两年时间就要注射一个疗程,以保持肌肤白皙幼嫩,使自己在镜头前显得青春焕发美丽动人。与普 通美容产品相比,NC24价格不菲,但丝毫不影响爱美人士的钟爱,在日本年度销售榜上,NC24高居美白类第一名。
成分:Ascorbic Acid、Glutatione、Crystalize
⊙全身美白,不再只是局部改善 ⊙首创注射美白理念,由内而外美白肌肤
⊙美白、袪斑、护肤三管齐下,功效全面显著 ⊙数十万用户亲身体验,有效率100%
⊙日本厚生劳动省认证,安全无副作用 ⊙东京帝国病院临床验证,质量保证

NC24能抑制细胞氧化,快速分解人体肌肤的黑色素、黄色素,修复受损细胞,补充活化美白因子使 全身美白因子的细胞更新,从而改善缺氧性暗亚、粗糙皮肤等一系列青春消逝现象,令全身肌肤由内至外白里透红、恢复弹性,同时对已经形成的暗疮、斑点具有淡 化作用,有效改善面部斑点。其特点在于能迅速扭转病态功能细胞的早衰老化,抑制细胞氧化,阻止黑色素生成,促进新陈代谢,有效减弱和祛除色斑,由内而外调 节肌肤,从而达到全身美白的效果。
◆抑制黑色素,美白肌肤 ◆祛除色斑、晒斑、老年斑 ◆收缩毛孔,补水保湿
◆增强皮肤弹性,除暗疮 ◆防治黑眼圈,清除眼袋 ◆修复肤色不均,祛黄气
- 静脉注射(IV), 打点滴或普通注射,打点滴需要15~45分钟
- 3天注射1次, 每次各1个剂量
- 3到4次就可以见到效果, 但需根据个人体质而定
- 1盒以后, 每月可注射1~2剂维持
1、孕妇或采用哺乳方式的女性. 2、女性生理期. 3、对维他命敏感人士.4、有血管病症的人士.
如每天注射超过20g维他命C, 可导致消化系统出现问题, 比如泄肚(痢疾), 胃痛等等。
●肌肤持久美白,平滑清爽 ●皮肤光滑湿润,毛孔细腻紧致 ●肌肤不再油腻,彻底告别暗疮粉刺
●皮肤柔嫩光泽,肤色均匀健康自然 ●全身皮肤通透红润,充满弹性

Product - 日本MITA—C whitening美白疗程

 Popular cosmetic injection in Japan, International San popular whitening products, much of women members of the Japanese royal family and celebrities sought after, China established the first log lift cosmetic craze!
MITA-C WHITENING whitening injection or intravenous injection method using the muscles into the body, promote blood circulation, skin capillaries and blood circulation, can smooth the skin of oxygen and nutrient supply, eliminate waste.
MITA-C whitening whitening injection also has to promote the role of cell and tissue respiration, can help form the dermal collagen fibers, elastic fiber activation. Cause the skin to remove spots, freckles because of radicals, it is also MITA-C WHITENING injection whitening one of the functions.
Function: Whitening, added vitamin C, improve rough skin, anti-oxidation (aging), dilute the skin wrinkles and scars.

  • as a prevention and remedy of vitamin c-deficiency
  • reduce capillary bleeding such as nose/gum bleeding
  • reduce light ray hypersensitive dermatitiscombined
  • improves skin texture by whitening effect
  • as bone substrate formation
  • stimulates collagen in skin tissues
  • improves moisture and supple of skin
  • improves faster healing of wounds/common skin infections
  • reduce minor scars/acne/blemishes
Recommended dosage:-
  • 2 ampoules weekly for the first month. Continue afterso and can be reduced the dosage to 1 ampoule every 2 weeks.
  • Intramuscular (I.M.) or intravenous (I.V.)
Not suitable for

1, to the way women breast-feeding

2, should not be injected during the menstrual

3, for people sensitive to vitamins

4, a vascular disease of the person
  • 10 ampoules x 2ml of ascorbic acid in additive sodium hydrogensulfite and sodium bicarbonate
  • Japan

日本MITA—C whitening美白疗程

MITA—C WHITENING美白针剂采用肌肉或静脉注射方法进入人体内,促进末梢血液循环,使皮肤的毛细血管及血液循环畅通,能顺畅地将氧和营养供给皮肤,排除废物。
MITA—C whitening美白针剂还具有促进细胞及组织呼吸的作用,能够帮助构成真皮的胶原纤维、弹性纤维活性化。去除造成肌肤斑点、雀斑原因的自由基的作用,也是MITA—C WHITENING美白针剂的功能之一。


 优点: -


3、1到2天就能看到效果 使用疗程:1星期注射1次,每次4ml(2×2ml)。