Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Biome G-Alpha 全身美白液去黄

Biome G-Alpha Whitening Essential

Biome G-Alpha Whitening Essential is a new Glutathione with Alpha Lipoic Acid.Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) will help glutathione that injected to our body works better and allow more whitening effect.Biome G-Alpha will give more whitening satisfaction.

- It is a protein (amino acid) molecule which is important as our body anti-oxidant,immune system booster and detoxifire.

- It presents in every cell to promote normal funtions as maintaining the immune system.

- One of the master anti-oxidant that the mostly found in liver.

- It eliminates toxic compound (such as Paracetamol)in liver reconstitutes vitamin C and vitamin E which is being oxidized.

- Combine taking with vitamin C injection greatly enhance your immunity,reduce tiredness,more youthful skin and stay healthy.

- Fights against the cancer,heart disease,premature aging,autoimmune disease and chronic illness.

Benefits of Glutathione :
- Strong anti-oxidant to remove excess free radicals that will cause abnormal funtion of brain and organs.

- Treats neurodegenerative symptoms such as parkinson's,Alzheimer's,multiple sclerosis,stroke,irritate bowel and chronic fatigue.

- Reconstitutes the funtion of Vitamin C and Vitamin E especially taken along with Vitamin C injection.

- Greatly reduce acne/blemish/pimple.

- Long term treatment for smokers and drinkers.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
ALA is an anti-oxidant,and is widely used in prevention of various diseases.Its main funtion is to increase production of glutathione,which helps dissolve toxic substances in the liver.An anti-oxidant helps neutralize free radicals in our bodies and protects our cells from damage.A free radical is an unstable molecule that tries to steal electrons from other molecules,thus causing damage.Smoking,pollution,car exhaust,fried foods are some sources of free radicals.

Alpha Lipoic Acid can be found in foods such as meats,and veggies (ie:spinach).ALA is also easily absorbed into the blood stream,and it can also cross the blood brain barrier.

Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) :
* ALA helps make vitamin C and vitamin E works better.
* ALA is a powerful anti-oxidant that fights free radicals.
* It's easily absorbed either from food eaten or from supplements.
* ALA helps increase glutathione which helps with detoxification.
* It helps protect the lens and retina of your eyes from degeneration and also helps alleviate glaucoma.
* ALA is used to treat and detox liver.

ALA has many benefits,and all types og people will benefit from taking ALA.ALA will be even more benefical for individuals with some of the following conditions :
* Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
* Coronary Heart Disease
* Metabolic Syndrome (high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol)
* Neuropathy (caused by diabetes and other conditions,such as Lyme disease,alcoholism,shingles,thyroid disease and kidney failure)
* Diabetes (improving glucose metabolism and helping diabetics utilize insulin better)
* liver Disease
* Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (increasing long-term survival)
* Impaired Brain Funtion (as a treatment for stroke and other brain disorders involving free radical damage,including Alzheimer's disease).
* Effects of Aging (improving blood flow and enhancing immune funtion,restoring levels of glutathione,a protective anti-oxidant and detoxification compound)
* Degenerative Diseases (ALA is a strong anti-inflammatory agent).
* Glaucoma and Cataracts.

Product Describtion :
Originally imported from UK.Each box contains 10x900mg glutathione & 10x 250mg ALA /5ml

Recommended Dosage :
1 or 2 ampoules/injection every week for 1 or 2 months.Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintainance.Suggest inject with vitamin C+collagen to get best result.

Injection Method :
Administered by IV or IM

Not Suitable For :
- Breast feeder
- Injection on women period
-Allergy to vitamin
-Patient with cardiovascular problem

生物群落的G -阿尔法美白必不可少的是一个新的谷胱甘肽硫辛酸Acid.Alpha硫辛酸(ALA)的,将有助于谷胱甘肽,注入到我们的身体的工作更好,让更多的美白effect.Biome的G -阿尔法会给予更多的美白满意。

- 它是一种蛋白质(氨基酸)分子,这是重要的抗氧化剂,我们的身体免疫系统助推器和detoxifire。

- 呈现在每一个细胞,促进维持免疫系统的正常funtions。

- 主抗氧化剂,主要是在肝脏中发现之一。

- 它消除肝脏中的有毒化合物(如扑热息痛)重组是被氧化的维生素C和维生素E。

- 与维生素C注射液相结合,大大增强你的免疫力,减轻疲劳,更年轻的皮肤和保持健康。

- 对癌症,心脏病,过早衰老,自身免疫性疾病和慢性疾病的战斗。

- 较强的抗氧化,去除多余的自由基,会导致大脑和器官的异常funtion。

- 治疗神经退行性症状,如帕金森氏症,阿尔茨海默氏症,多发性硬化,中风,刺激肠道和慢性疲劳。

- 重组funtion特别是维生素C和维生素E与维生素C注射液。

- 大大减少痤疮/污点/疙瘩。

- 吸烟者和饮酒者的长期治疗。

ALA是一种抗氧化剂,被广泛用于预防各种diseases.Its funtion主要是增加生产,这有助于溶解有毒物质中的liver.An抗氧化剂谷胱甘肽有助于我们的身体中和自由基,保护我们的细胞damage.A自由基是一种不稳定的分子,试图窃取其它分子的电子,从而导致damage.Smoking,污染,汽车尾气,油炸食品自由基的一些来源。


* ALA的帮助,使维生素C和维生素E效果更好。
* ALA是一种强有力的抗氧化剂,对抗自由基。
* ALA有助于提高谷胱甘肽有助于具有解毒作用。
* ALA是用于治疗和排毒肝脏。


来自UK.Each框进口包含10x900mg谷胱甘肽ALA的10X 250毫克/5毫升

1或2安瓿/注射每周1或2 months.Then可以减少剂量注射1次,每2周为maintainance.Suggest注入维生素C +胶原蛋白,以获得最好的结果。


- 乳腺癌给料机
- 注射液对妇女的时期

Monday, May 9, 2011

Biocell-CRP (cell rejuvenation process) Biocell- C反应蛋白(细胞复兴的过程中)



Biocell Laboratoire de GmbH SUISSE

*Skin cell rejuvention
*Skin whitening
*Anti-aging / anti oxidant


-Hyaluronic acid 300mg / 2ml
-Hydrolize vit c 1250mg / 5ml
-L-glutatione 900mg / vial

Dosage and administration

Reconstituted H.A. 20mg with vit c 1250mg and glutathione 900mg to be administered i.m. , i.v. , or s.c. once weekly


stores below 30'c , protect from light


Biocell Laboratoire有限公司SUISSE的



- L型glutatione900mg/瓶


重组H.A.维生素C和谷胱甘肽900mg1250mg20毫克加以管理的IM 静脉注射南卡罗来纳州每周一次

