Thursday, September 29, 2011


Liponsaure Ratiopharm 600mg IV:

Alpha-lipoic acid is a Superantioxidans that can develop as a single in both the aqueous as well as fat-soluble portion of each cell, its effect

Protects and detoxifies the body by react with harmful toxins and heavy metals compounds, which they can be removed

Particularly valuable is the alpha-lipoic acid for regulating blood sugar levels, because these glucose transported rapidly from the blood into the cells

Origin: Germany

Size:5ml x 10 vials


Liponsaure Ratiopharm600毫克IV:







Friday, September 16, 2011

L-Carn 2g / 5ml

L-Carnitine 2gm / 5ml

L-Carnitine is an amino acid synthesized from essential amino acids , tysine and methionine in the kidneys and livers .

Its main function is to transport " long chain fatty acids " such as glucose , fats , carbohydrates and proteins , especially from the inter membrane space of the carbohydrates and fats storage areas essentially accumulated from the food we eat and converts it into enery .

In the mitochondria is where fats and carbohydrates is being converted into energy via a process called ' beta oxidation ' with the help of L-Carnitine which is also responsible for improving oxygen utilization and energy production by the heart muscle .
Thus , L-Carnitine the transporterof fat is needed as well for the removal of products waste or toxins produced from the mitochondria during energy production , enables them to be eliminated from the body .

1.Weight and Fats control
L-Carnitine increases our body metabolic rate and is able to convert fats and carbohydrates from our body into energy , a form of protein cocarboxylase and if unused will be exereted via the urine . For athletes and sportsman , the protein will help to convert fats into muscles mass during activities , therefore L-Carnitine is an essential amino acid for the bodybuilders who wish to have a well built physique naturally .
It is important to note that glucose and carbohydrates from the food we eat will be transported and converts into 'fatty acids' or fats and store in parts of our body , thus creating lumpy areas especially can be seen in the lower arms , thighs , buttocks , tummy and even our face .

2.Anti Ageing Properties
L-Carnitine have aslo shown to have anti ageing properties and regular supplement increases the body immune systems by eliminating toxins from the body , for the production of Phophyrin which is needed to produce red blood cells . In breaking down fats for the production of energy which is also required for the building , repairing and renewal of cell membrance and cellular structures for efficient function of major organs such as heart , lungs , muscles kidney and the liver .

3.Lipids and CHDs ( Congestive Heart Diseases )
L-Carnitine helps to maintain normal level of lipids such as cholesterol and especially triglyserides , dissolves fatty acids accumulated in the coronary arteries therefore reducing risks of Congestive Heart Diseases .

Packings and Contains
Per Box of 10 ampoules of L-Carnitine 2gm / 5ml

Dosage and Administration
1 to 2 ampoules iv per injection every 2 days for the management of weight control .
1 to 2 ampoules per subcutaneous for the management of fats under the skin .
10 ampoules in divided does over a period of 30 days for anti ageing health management .

Side Effects
The closing of even 4gm per day have shown to have no side effects and is very safe . Patients may experiences some light gastrointestinal disturbances and therefore some food may be taken prior to the commencement of L-Carnitine injection .

L -肉碱是一种氨基酸人体必需的氨基酸tysine肾脏和肝脏蛋氨酸合成


在线粒体中脂肪和碳水化合物被转化为能量通过一个过程称为“公测氧化”L -肉碱的帮助,这也是提高氧的利用率和能源生产的心脏肌肉。
因此,L -肉碱transporterof脂肪线粒体能源生产过程中产生的废物或毒素的去除,以及需要,使他们能够排出体外。

L -肉碱增加我们身体的代谢率,并能转换成能量,蛋白质cocarboxylase和形式从我们的身体的脂肪和碳水化合物,如果未使用将通过尿液exereted。对于运动员和运动员,蛋白质将有助于在活动中脂肪转换成肌肉质量,因此,L -肉碱是一种必需的氨基酸的健美运动员,谁希望有一个身材魁梧的身形自然。

L -肉碱也显示,有抗衰老性能,并定期补充Phophyrin生产,这是需要产生红血细胞,增加人体免疫系统,消除体内毒素。这也是为建设所需的能源生产,维修和高效的功能,如心脏,肺,肌肉,肾脏和肝脏等主要器官的细胞膜和细胞结构的重建在打破脂肪。

L -肉碱有助于维持正常水平脂质如胆固醇,尤其是triglyserides,溶解冠状动脉因此减少充血性心脏疾病的风险积累的脂肪酸。

每10安瓿的L -肉碱2GM /5毫升盒


甚至每一天4gm的收盘显示有没有副作用,是非常安全的。患者可能会经历一些轻的肠胃功能紊乱,因此可能会采取一些食物开始之前,L -肉碱注射。