Sunday, October 7, 2012

Aqua Skin EGF Whitening and Firming

Aqua Skin EGF Whitening and Firming

Skin Whitening Solution

Aqua Skin EGF epidermal growth factor with Natural Collagen Extract
Although the search continues for the proverbial fountain of youth , advancements in skin care have resulted in progress toward its discovery . One such development was the founding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in 1986 by scientists Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Motalcini . The duo recevied a Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work ,which opened the door for understanding how cells communicate wtih each other during cellular growth. This forever changed the landscape of skin rejuvenation , particularly for the skin care formulators wise enough to recognize the power of EGF .

A lab-derived oligopeptide , EGF is an age-prevention ingredient that supports cell renewal and wound repair . It has potent regenerating properties , making it valuable for age prevention and age reversal of the skin . EGF is a vital protein found in the fibroblast cells of the dermal layer , and it works to stimulate cells to produce collagen .

How does EGFwork ?
As an essential part of skin regeneration when trauma has taken place , EGF works by attracting cells to a wound site in order to begin the repair process . The vital protein is released by platelets during the inflammation stage of heling , then attracts cells to the injured area . These responsive cells , known as osteoblasts , process EGF , speeding up  wound-healing , allowing the skin to repair itself evenly and quickly .

As EGF is applied to the skin , tissue regeneration begins . The protein supports cell renewal by assisting in the synthesis of proteins and increasing circulation , mitosis , the number of fibroblasts , the accumulation of collagen and blood-vessel formation .

The production of natural EGF significantly slows when ultraviolet (UV) light is present , hindering the body's ability to repair itselt . Because the skin is constantly subjected to UV rays during the daylight hours , topical growth factors become useful tools in reversing the harmful effects of these rays .

Research has also shown the potent regeneration powers of EGF to enhance the effects of peel therapy treatments and microdermabrasion . Because the protein works in synchronicity with the natural renewal process , it helps rebuild the skin from a healthy , well-nourished foundation , following any acid , enzyme or microdermabrasion treatment .

Beyond age reversal , EGF also supports acneic skin . When skin lesions are treated for bacteria with various active topicals , including benzoyl peroxide , sulfur , salicylic acid , retinol or resorcinol , the shin is broken down . Growth factor rebuilds and heals the skin -an essential step in any skin care regimen .

Humanized anti-EGF receptor monoclonal antibody
  • Produces collagen to enhance the elasticity of skin 
  • Reduces pigmentation resulted from exposed sunlight 
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles around facial area
  • Suppresses the formation of acne/blemish/pimple
  • Minimizes facial pores and improves skin complexion
  • Helps to prevent scurvy , a vitamin C deficiency disease
  • Increases human's immune system and promotes antihistamine properties
  • Greatly enhance the effect of whitening 
  • Prevent aging
  • Help healing wounds and scars 
  • Anti wrinkles
  • Stimulate collagen formation
Benefits of EGF ( Epidermal Growth Factor ) :

  • Lighter Complexion
  • Anti Oxidants
  • Even Skin Complexion 
  • Anti Pigmentation / Freckles 
  • Anti Black Spot / Age Spot 
Anti Aging
  • Stopping Aging Process
  • Youth and Beauty
  • Enhances The Production of Bloods 
  • Recover Injuries and Tissue Damages
  • Prevent Wrinkles
Lifting & Firming
  •  Repair Loose and Sagging Skin 
  • Improving Contour
  • Firmer and Lifted Skin 
  • Improve Skin Strength and Elasticity
Cell Repair
  • Healing Wounds and Scar
  • Stimulates Collagen
Anti Wrinkles
  • Repair Wrinkles and Creases
  • Smooth Skin
Origin : Suisse

Product Description :
This Aqua Skin EGF epidermal growth factor with Natural Collagen Extract is originally imported from Suisse . Each box contains 6 x Natural Collagen Extract 500mg + EGF -1000mg , IGF-1 , bFGF , TRX , Acety Hexapeptide , Copper Tripeptide / Vial .

Recommended Dosage :
One or two ampoules / injection every week for 1 or 2 months (*depends to your body metabolism ) . Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintainance .

Injection Method :
This product is administered by intravenously ( IV )

Not Suitable For :
  • Breast feeder
  • Injection on women period
  • Allergy to vitamin ( any kind )
  • Patient with cardiovascular problem





实验室衍生的寡肽,EGF是一个年龄预防的成分,促进细胞更新和修复创面。它有较强的再生特性,使得它的价值的皮肤年龄预防和年龄逆转。 EGF是一种重要的蛋白质的真皮层的纤维母细胞中发现的,它的工作原理,刺激细胞产生胶原蛋白。























原来这水皮肤EGF表皮生长因子与天然胶原蛋白提取物是从瑞士进口的。每盒6个天然胶原蛋白提取物500毫克+ EGF-1000毫克,IGF-1,碱性成纤维细胞生长因子,TRX,乙酰六胜肽,三肽/铜瓶。





