Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Product -德国Lipostabil减肥针

Product ingredient:
Phosphatidylcholine, as derived from soy bean Lecithin.

1 box of 5 x 250mg/5ml Phosphatidylcholine,from A.Natterman&Cie German

Injectable solution


There are a few brands famous in fat melting product such as Flabjab, Lipomelt, Lipodissolve, Fat-away or Lipostabil. Lipostabil is one of the common used in cosmetic line for fat busting.

Modes of Reaction:
Phosphatidylcholine has the ability to alter the cholesterol and other fatty acids. It increases the solubility of fat and its deposits. This phosphatidylcholine penetrates skin layer and emulsifies the fat underneath, making them more soluble to water.

Dosage recommended:
1 ampoule every week. Each ampoule divided into few portions for different part of body.

The only large trial that we could find was the study mentioned above involving 213 patients, published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology in October 2003.

Volunteers received phosphatidylcholine injections in several different areas of localized fat deposits, (thighs, hips, abdomen, flanks and/or the chin region of the face). The patients were submitted to 1 to 5 treatment sessions with an average interval of 15 days between each session. At each treatment session, digital photographs were taken of the patient's front view, back view, and profile, according to the area to be treated. In some patients the thickness of the fatty pad was measured with a specific ruler. Various laboratory tests were also carried out on the volunteers during the treatment with phosphatidylcholine.

Clinical results showed that phosphatidylcholine was effective in reducing the fatty pads in the treated areas, with few side effects. From the authors' point of view, they stated that the off-label use of phosphatidylcholine in the treatment of fatty pads and small areas of localized fat is safe, low cost, and effective. They also stated that, as with any other medications, it needs wide investigation for new treatment uses and long-term studies, so that the recommended dose and safe application technique can be standardized.


1箱5 × 250mg/5ml卵磷脂,natterman & CIE


分 Q (下皮下) 。
有几个著名品牌的脂肪熔化产品,如flabjab ,lipomelt ,lipodissolve,或lipostabil 。lipostabil是一个共同使用的化妆品生产线,刘皇发破坏。



我们可以找到的是上述研究涉及213名病人,发表在Journal of毒品和皮肤科在2003年10月。
志愿者收到磷脂酰胆碱注射液在几个不同领域的局部脂肪存款,(大腿,臀部,腹部,两翼和/或下巴地区面对)。病人被提交给1至5治疗会议,与平均间隔15天之间的每届会议。在每个治疗会议上,数码照片的人所采取的有关病人的战线来看,回到来看,和配置文件,根据该地区加以处理。在有些病人的厚度,脂肪垫是衡量一个具体的统治者。 各种化验,也进行了关于义工的治疗过程中与卵磷脂。
临床结果表明,卵磷脂是有效地减少脂肪港口及机场发展策略,在治疗方面,与数的副作用。从作者的角度来看,他们指出,小康标签使用卵磷脂在治疗脂肪港口及机场发展策略及小面积局部脂肪是安全,成本低,和有效的。 他们还指出,与任何其他药物,它需要广泛的调查,为新的治疗用途和长期的研究,使所建议的剂量和安全的应用技术可以标准化。

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