Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Introduction to melting fat needle

Melting fat needle is the non-surgical partial most safe and effective method to lose weight, especially suitable for small-area local diet, such as double chin, face, extremities and other parts, you can also make up a small facial defects, to make the face look smaller More on the mirror. In fact, you can play from the eyelids to the belly. Melting fat needle so that the fat metabolism accelerated degradation and absorption of fat, but also can tighten and lift the skin.Melting fat needle is particularly suitable for the "stubborn" fat accumulated at the waist, abdomen, extremities, and other parts. Melting fat needle is saline, lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate, epinephrine, to a certain percentage of the ratio, injected into the fat layer, can effectively promote the expansion of stubborn fat layer decomposition, so that the fat is more easily broken down into fatty acids instead of supply the body's energy .Main ingredientLipolysis needle main ingredient is a phosphatidyl choline extracted from soybeans, as a constituent of the cell membrane. The slimming needle initially discovered by a German physician, clinically used to treat fat bolt, the elimination of triglycerides in the blood, lower cholesterol and dissolve lipoma. In addition, it does not cause liver any metabolic side effects.The main characteristics of the melting fat needle1, at any time. The fast-paced city, during lunch.2, does not require general anesthesia, to reduce the risk of anesthesia.3, according to the site for the ring position mobile, plastic symmetry, no bump.4, the pain is very mild.The main effect1, melting fat for facial magical effect: the face is a "facade", is the first impression of the visual Oriental advocating oval face, beautiful little face has become fashionable to maintain the vitality of the young skin, everyone learning homework melting fat needle can help you solve these problems.The 2 Lipolysis needle can be used to eliminate nasolabial fat: fat pad or fat, can be dissolved more parts and tightened local skin, to enhance its supportive improve local metabolic cycle, to remove the excess water of the mesenchymal cells, and an overall reduction fat thickness, eliminating nasolabial fold fat.3, melting fat needle can be used to eliminate bags under the eyes: dissolve excess orbital fat and orbital septum, enhance its supportive, while an overall improvement in ocular metabolic cycle, enhance the orbicularis muscle tension, remove the stromal cells in the excess water, closing tight eye skin, to remove bags under the eyes, smooth skin US-eye effect.Limitations of the fat solubleMelting fat is liposuction surgery, a new model, the purpose of the local body shaping. Does not apply to the body weight of the obese. Obesity should be considered in patients with a more scientific and reasonable weight loss surgery, for example: shrink the stomach surgery, gastric banding, gastric bypass, or intragastric balloon.The injection lipolysis pin will also be some adverse reactions1, dizziness: generally occur during the injection process, the end of the injection after the symptoms disappear.2, swelling: Due to the stimulation of the drug, almost everyone will appear this phenomenon.3, bruising: multi-point arrangement injection, the injection point intensive, it is easy to form the congestion.Pain: almost every patient feel a slight pain, and general the month symptoms will subside to three weeks after treatment.However, you do not have to worry about the above adverse reactions are all human normal reaction to drugs, and will not cause harm to humans, if we continue, beautiful up close encounter will be with you.Indications of melting fat needle1, the local obesity does not want to endure the pain of surgery;2, liposuction patients contraindications;3, the smaller the accumulation of fat, exercise, diet control can not be eliminated;4, the uneven surface of the skin after liposuction correction;5, facially: cheeks, chin, nose, lips, double chin, neck (under eye bags have reservations) sculpture modification;6, orange peel skin treatment;7, non-surgical removal of body surface lipoma;8, reduce excess fat on the pubis;Antiviral therapy in patients with AIDS, reducing the "buffalo hump" (buffalo hump);10, facially: face, nose, lips, chin wattle;11 body: kidney, obesity, obesity inner and outer thighs, Shen sagging abdominal fat accumulation and fat accumulation of the shoulder, upper arm, back of the hand and foot;12, cellulite treatment: kidney, thigh cellulite (to improve cellulite);13, after repair liposuction uneven complications.

Melting fat needle which parts apply to:1, face: cheeks, nose, lips and jaw wattle.2, trunk the: shoulder obesity, the accumulation of fat on the back of of obesity, inner and outer thighs, upper arm, abdomen, back of the hand and foot.Cellulite: shoulders and legs cellulite treatment and get rid of.4, liposuction repair: repair the skin caused by uneven liposuction, skin or orange peel-like change.Melting fat needle Branch of the Ministry and body fat reduction, body obesity for melting fat needle body weightThe advantage of melting fat needleAdvantage: fat soluble the needles lose weight do not rebound, does not leave any worries.Advantages: non-invasive therapy, the body will not cause any damage to build "green and healthy weight loss.Three advantages: without dieting, surgery, not because of thin "unfairly treated" his stomach.Advantage: quick, lasting effect, safe and reliable.Advantage: eliminate stubborn fat and improve skin texture, and does not damage the skin, causing skin folds and depressions.

Precautions before and after injectionTo confirm before treatment treatment of locally ulceration, infection, redness performance;Before treatment to confirm treatment healthy, no fever, the flu, chronic diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease) and infectious diseases (such as hepatitis B, AIDS hour can not be washed in the local, within 48 hours can not be hot water wash local and vigorous exercise;3, within 48 hours after the treatment can not drink coffee and tea, can drink plenty of water;4, within one week after treatment, do not eat bland food (such as pepper, wine, raw onions, etc.)7-10 days after treatment efficacy can be out at the same time can be used for the next treatment; generally do not respond to treatment finished, some local red, swollen, hot, bruises, pain is normal phenomenon generally very slight, the ice will be better soon, will disappear after a few hours.6, but also to predict the injection site skin slight redness subsided normal after a few hours there will be a slight congestion, a small number of people to be the site of injection, but soon disappeared.The 7,4 hours to six hours, it is best not to lie down, to avoid botulinum (Botox) diaspora.8,6 hours, you should not wash your face, do not make-up, not curious or touch the injection site, should not exercise.Professional doctor will call you a week later review.10 Do not massage after injection of local vaccine toxin spread.11, within one month after the injection prohibited facial massage, heat, rub.12, after injection to avoid eat hardshell foods; within a week of fasting spicy, seafood, avoid alcohol.13, early inability to chew and soreness.14, because chewing habits, after injection, both sides will continue to have mild asymmetry.15, a few people may be insensitive to the drug resulting effect is not obvious, so two weeks after referral.16, botulinum face-lift (weight loss needles) is recoverable, after six months, which means that it is theoretically also need to re-injection to maintain the effect. (Also part of the crowd injection after 2 to 3 times the long haul, if you want to delay the the masseter recovery speed, we should eat less hard, tough foods) but we found clinical injected some two to three times a do not need to re-injection to maintain the effect, which means that long-term efficacy of BOTOX for Chinese characters face. Because during the efficacy of botulinum, the human body can not be excessive use of chewing muscles, and thereby be able to get rid of the excessive use of the habit of chewing muscles, masseter muscle in after the botulinum efficacy, slimmed and not re hypertrophy hyperplasia.17, one week after the injection, do not stay up all night, lit reduce drug.Lose weight by melting fat needle, absolutely does not mean that you can no longer need to diet control, or to do the reasonable control of the diet, coupled with exercise, your weight loss is more effective. Meanwhile, in order to make better slimming effect, the above considerations, we must seriously observed.Side effectThe main side effects that may occur following performance:Lose weight needle has many advantages, but the side effects of weight loss needles exist, the most common is that both sides of the asymmetry, or at the injection site, muscle weakness;2, facial played in excess, can cause the dysphagia diet needle side effects;Common side effects, diet needle face will become stiff smile unnatural, Vivian Hsu broke playing to lose weight needle is to participate in activities because of its unusual facial stiffness.
Detailed consultation with a professional doctor before use should, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

More significant response in patients lose weight needle will be local swelling and heat performance, the experts pointed out that this is a normal phenomenon lose weight needle botulinum toxin injection, slimming needle very few side effects, the formal acceptance of face-lift needle and accepted under the guidance of professional experts Diet needle care of patients in the general case there will not be to lose weight the adverse side effects of the needle.Injection slimming needle local adverse reactions mainly include the masseter excessive weakness and to lose weight the needle to the adjacent muscle tissue diffusion caused by the performance of these clinical manifestations related to the dose of the injection site and injection weight loss needles. Individual face-lift patients found that after the injection of botulinum toxin, fever, malaise, fatigue. These clinical manifestations generally transient, and disappear on their own within a few weeks. General face-lift effect can maintain face-lift needle injection after a year or so, then there may relapse, but can be re-injection face-lift.Weight loss acupuncture masseter muscle hypertrophy generally each side to select a number of injection points injection. The injection should be as slowly as possible, the injection diet needles do not have the local massage and other special treatment, the normal chewing motion to the liquid in the muscle tissues gradually spread to face-lift. One can lose weight needle injection masseter observed changes in masseter muscle atrophy and face shape to face-lift. The intramuscular drug as a weight loss needles no significant side effects, has more advantages than the traditional face-lift surgery method.


   溶脂针是目前非手术局部减肥最为安全、有效的方法,尤其适合于小面积局部减肥,比如双下巴、面部、肢端等部位,还可以弥补面部的小缺陷,令脸蛋看上去更 小,更上镜。事实上,从眼皮到肚皮都可以打。溶脂针注射后使脂肪的新陈代谢加速,将脂肪降解吸收,同时更可收紧、上提皮肤。 
1、 头晕:一般是在注射过程中出现,注射结束后症状就会消失。 
2、 肿胀:由于药物的刺激,几乎每个人都会出现这个现象。 
3、 淤青:由于需要多点排列注射,所以注射点密集,很容易形成淤血。 
4、 疼痛:几乎每个患者都会感受到轻微疼痛,一般在治疗后的三周至一个月症状才会消退。 
9、爱滋病患者抗病毒疗法后,减小“水牛背”(buffalo hump); 

溶脂针适用于哪些部位 :
1、 面部:脸颊、鼻唇和下颌垂肉。 
2、 躯干部:肩部肥胖,大腿内外侧肥胖,上臂、腹部、手背和足背部的脂肪堆积。 
3、 脂肪团:肩部和腿部的脂肪团的治疗和祛除。 
4、 抽脂手术后修复:修复因抽脂手术而造成的皮肤凹凸不平,或皮肤橘皮样变。 

16、 肉毒杆菌瘦脸(减肥针)后是可恢复的,也就是说它在六个月之后,理论上还需要再次注射才能维持效果。(也有部分人群注射2~3次后能长时间保持了,若想延 缓咬肌恢复的速度,就要少吃硬、韧的食物)但是临床上我们发现,有些人注射了两次到三次之后,并不需要再次注射来维持效果,也就是说BOTOX对于国字脸 有长期的疗效。原因是在肉毒杆菌的疗效期间,人体无法过度使用嚼肌,如果借此能够改掉过度使用嚼肌的习惯,在肉毒杆菌的疗效过后,瘦身后的嚼肌并不会再度 肥厚增生。 

   注入减肥针后局部的不良反应主要包括咬肌过度无力及因减肥针向临近肌肉组织扩散而引起的相应表现,而这些临床表现与注射部位和注射减肥针的剂量有关。个 别瘦脸病人发现注射肉毒素以后有发热、不适、疲劳。一般这些临床表现为一过性的,并在数周内自行消失。瘦脸针注射后一般瘦脸效果可以维持一年左右,然后有 复发可能,但是可以再次注射瘦脸。 
   减肥针治疗咬肌肥大一般每侧选择1至数个注射点注射。注射时应尽可能缓慢,注射减肥针后也不必进行局部按摩和其它特殊处理,一般正常的咀嚼运动即可使药 液在肌肉组织内逐渐扩散来瘦脸。减肥针注入咬肌1个月即可观察到咬肌萎缩及脸形的改变来瘦脸。作为一种肌肉注射药,减肥针没有显著的副作用,比传统的瘦脸 手术方法具有更多优点。

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